Celebrating the 2015 Awards Recipients
Farmers Helping Farmers recently announced the winners of its 2015 awards. The awards recognize the contributions of the organization’s volunteers, supporters and members. Sandra MacKinnon, Awards Committee Chair says that the success of any organization is dependent upon the commitment of its volunteers and others. “We are extremely fortunate to have individuals and groups working in partnership, and raising funds to assist with the challenges faced by many East African farm women and their families.”
This year’s award recipients are:
Noreen and George Shaw were presented with the Friend of Farmers Helping Farmers Award which recognizes individuals and businesses who are not members of Farmers Helping Farmers, but who have made a lasting and extending contribution to the association. The Stanhope couple have been active as volunteers and contributors to many of the organization’s projects over the past decade.
Youth of Margate Pastoral Charge were this year’s recipient of the Farmers Helping Farmers Youth Award. This award recognizes individuals and youth groups who have made outstanding contributions to public awareness about Farmers Helping Farmers and its work in Kenya. The youth have been involved with twinning and awareness projects, in addition to many fundraising activities which raised money to assist with the needs of the Kenyan Marinya Primary school and its students.
The Honourary Life Membership recognizes members who have made an outstanding and substantial contribution to the organization and its purpose. This year the award was presented to Dr. John van Leeuwen. He is recognized for his efforts in working with Kenyan farmers to improve the health and management of dairy cattle in the FHF projects, and providing opportunities for senior veterinarian students from the Atlantic Veterinary College to participate in international work rotations. His professional skills and personal time has helped to uplift the lives of Kenyan farm families.
Asant to all - and congratulations.