Give a unique and meaningful gift this Mother’s Day and for Graduation

fhf 2016 gift card poster boySend love to a special mother in your life - or celebrate a graduate - with a donation to Farmers Helping Farmers.
The P.E.I.-based group is offering Islanders a wonderful way to celebrate these special occasions. They have created a new gift card, to go with a donation to the 2016 Mosquito Nets campaign.

(Below - exterior of card and interior of card for Mother's Day)

fhf-cards.compressed-page-001 (1) fhf-cards.compressed-page-002

According to the World Health Organization, malaria is a life threatening disease that causes 655,000 deaths each year… but it is completely preventable and curable.
Your donation of a mosquito net is an effective prevention tool because the infected mosquitos are most active at night. In 2015, 25% of Kenyans did not have a mosquito bed net. Something as simple as a bed net can save lives and help in the race to eradicate malaria.

There are several ways this spring that you can support Mosquito Nets for Kenya 2016.

For every donation of $10 or more, you will receive a beautiful gift card that you can give to a special mother in your life, or to a graduate.

(Below - inside of card for a graduate)



In partnership with Van Kampens, Farmers Helping Farmers is also selling hanging baskets for wave petunias for $25. The flowers will be available around the Victoria Day weekend.
For $35, you will receive a voucher for a hanging basket and a gift card - the perfect Mother's Day gift.

FHF Spring Flower Fundraiser
Give a gift from the heart this Mother's Day.
Give a gift from the heart to your graduate.
And help protect a child in Kenya from malaria

Almost 2,000 mosquito nets for our twinned schools in Kenya

Farmers Helping Farmers is handing out almost 2,000 mosquito nets at our twinned schools in Kenya in 2016.

The nets are $10 each, making our fundraising target $20,000 to ensure every child who needs a net will get one.

Click on the DONATE button to be part of this meaningful campaign to reduce malaria in Kenya.

Or CONTACT US to find out more.

Thank you - asante - to everyone who has already contributed towards this important health initiative through the Holiday Campaign - including these two classes of Grade 6 students at Stratord Elementary school.

Our supporters have already contributed more than $6,000 towards the nets, with a fundraising campaign now underway in 2016 to pay for the rest. That's another $14,000 left to raise!

During their 3 week visit to Kenya in January and February 2016, nursing students from UPEI conducted home and school visits focusing on hand-washing hygiene and preventing malaria. Thanks to Sydney Breneol, Jocelyn Dougan, Jennifer Whittingham and Emily Ross for their great work!

Retired nurse Nancy MacFadyen and the nursing students also visited homes to check on the installation of the nets.


malaria cartoon image
Here is some kid-friendly material about malaria from the pharmaceutical company Novartis:

Here's a kid-friendly video about malaria:

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