by Aimee Gillis
Mweru Primary School has been the highlight of my trip to Kenya. The students were always so happy to be at school and learn. The students were also always so appreciative of everything done for them. We were given gifts of fruits and nuts on the daily. The happy faces and eager mentalities made teaching at the school so easy.
We also brought gifts for the students. These gifts consisted of Days For Girls kits, soccer balls, school supplies, candy, and other games. The students and teachers were very grateful for these. We also heard much about the school twinning program. It is amazing how this program has changed the school experience in Kenya. It is really important that this continues as a little goes a long way. Because of the twinning program at Mewru, they were able to purchase new textbooks, water tanks, hand washing stations, solar powered lights for studying at home, and so much more. These items do not sound like much, but since the twinning program started, the grades of the students has also increased.
Each day the students were in school from 6:30am until around 6:30pm. The older grade levels were even expected to be at school from 8:00am until 1:00pm on Saturdays. I was shocked at the amount of time the students spent within the classroom. Very different compared to Canada.
Saying goodbye to all of the students was the hardest day of the trip. Many tears were shed. It is amazing how Brody and I became part of the school family in only a short six weeks. The students taught me more than I could have ever taught them. They really changed my life, especially to appreciate “the little things”, which really aren’t so little. I am however grateful that technology is advancing, therefore making it a lot easier to stay in contact with the new friends met throughout our journey. Kenya will forever hold a special place in my heart.