Are you interested in volunteering in Kenya for three weeks in January/February 2020? 

A small team from Farmers Helping Farmers is making plans to go to Kenya from January 24  until February 15, 2020. This includes Ken and Teresa Mellish from Farmers Helping Farmers as well as the Dr. John van Leeuwen from the Atlantic Veterinary College and three 4th year vet students. If you are interested, please let us know. 

If you are interested but not available in 2020, FHF will also be looking for other volunteers over the next 4 years to help with the following project. 

Project name: Good Food. Better Food: Empowering Kenyan Women Farmers

Project outcome: Improved food and nutrition security for farm families (women, girls, boys and men) in the Buuri Dairy milk collection area and adjacent rural communities in Meru, Kenya This project is funded by Global Affairs Canada. 

Closing Date: Interested members should submit a letter of application to by November 30, 2019.

Position title: Dairy farmer trainer (1) 

Position title: Nutrition trainer (1) 

Position: Project Manager (2) 

Position title: Vegetable production trainer (2) 

Position trainer: Vet professor trainer (1) 

Position trainer: Fourth year vet students (2) 

Position title: Monitoring volunteer (1) 

Position title: Book keeping trainer (1) 

  1. Name
    2. Contact information (email, tel #)
    3. Are you available to travel the dates listed above?
    4. Why do you wish to volunteer?
    5. What skills do you offer?
    6. What are you willing to do upon return? Examples of work done by returning volunteers 
    includes: fund raising, speaking to public groups, joining FHF Committees or the Board,


1.Training and experience in the position 

  1. The selected volunteers must be available to attend orientation sessions – one on December 14, 2019 and the second on January 10, 2020.
    3. Demonstrated ability to function in a developing country and strong interpersonal skills will be an asset. Demonstrated ability to function in a team.
    4. A report on findings and recommendations is required. 

Description of work 

Your accommodation will be in a Kenyan B and B house with other volunteers. You will be asked to provide practical training to women and men farmers on small scale farms in your field of expertise. 

Selection Process and Finances: Selected volunteers are asked to make a donation of $2250 to the project for which you will receive a tax-deductible receipt. 

The project will cover the costs of lowest air fare using the most direct routing, a visa for Kenya, necessary inoculations as determined by the Travel Clinic, emergency health travel insurance, accommodations, meals and ground transport in Kenya. 

A passport which is valid for at least six months and visa will be required. Priority will be given to FHF members. 

Closing Date: Interested members should submit a letter of application to by November 30. Letters of application will include your resume and answers to the questions listed above. The entire project description can be obtained from Sheila Smith at the email listed above. Please contact the Ken Mellish, Project Committee Chairperson (902-969-7107) or Wendy MacDonald, President (782-377-1373) if you have questions. 

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