New potato and bean varieties will mean more food for farm families
By Ken Mellish

In Kenya, there is very good work done at the research stations to develop crops which are more
nutritious, better yielding and do better with climate change. However, there is a problem with
these improved varieties getting in the hands of the women who grow the crops.
FHF has put in a place a program to bring new varieties to the farmers. We have done this very successfully in the past with crops like sweet potatoes and beans.

The cropping season is coming up soon with the rains expected to arrive in October. Our
Kenyan staff have gotten Unica potatoes seed which are very high yielding and nutritious. This
is a disease-free seed which will be distributed among the women’s groups. They will be able
to multiply this seed for their members and sell enough to buy new seed for future years.
We also bought a good supply of Nyota beans which yield very well and supply a higher level of
trace minerals.
We are pleased with this project because we know it will enable our partners to feed their
families better.