Celebrating 40 Amazing Years of Farmers Helping Farmers
In 2020, we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Farmers Helping Farmers!
Unfortunately due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to celebrate in the way that we originally planned (parties, potlucks, parades, fundraisers) but we thought of another way to celebrate...

In our 40th year, we want to recognize and celebrate all members past and present who have helped build FHF into the outstanding organization it is today.
We want to welcome everyone back into the FHF family; anyone who has ever been a member of the organization is now a permanent lifetime member!!!
All members who have paid a membership fee in the past are now grandfathered into the organization.
Moving forward, any new members will simply pay a one-time membership fee and become a lifetime member immediately.

Why become a member of Farmers Helping Farmers?
- Stay up to date with all FHF projects and activities
- Travel with FHF to Kenya as a volunteer
- Become a member of the board of directors
- Become a member of a committee

While our administration costs are less than 3% of our total budget, there are a number of necessary costs: accounting, printing, marketing, maintaining our website, banking fees and paying our administrator here on PEI.
The money raised from membership dues allows us to do what we need to do in Canada in order to send our fundraising dollars to Kenya.

For just $20, a Farmers Helping Farmers membership is an affordable and meaningful way to contribute and show that our work in Kenya matters and you want to be a part of it.
Join today by visiting our Canada Help page and select Membership Fees from the dropdown menu!
Asante sana! Thank you!