A new three year project, entitled Food Empowerment of Kenyan Farm Women, is being launched by the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty on P.E.I. Farmers Helping Farmers will provide the project with their resources and technical expertise now in Kenya.
The project will help women in Nkubu, Kenya, become self sustaining through the purchase of gardening tools, water storage tanks, and, just as important, training in the growing of vegetable crops for use and sale.
The Nkubu Project has the financing in place and work will start very soon.
Rotary club member Winston Johnston, a lifetime achievement member of Farmers Helping Farmers spent three years getting this project started and approved.
"A big congratulations needs to go to Winston for getting this project up and running," said Tom Campbell of the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty, the sponsor club.
"This is a Rotary International Global Grant, which means Rotarians around the world are supporting the initiative."
This project is being managed by the Rotary Club of Nkubu, Kenya.
This project has evolved from an earlier Rotary project in Kenya which evaluated the vegetable production methods which will be applied to this new project.
"The previous district project was very successful with significant enthusiasm shown by the Kenyan farm women," said Winston Johnston.
"Food empowerment refers to the empowerment of farm women to increase their knowledge and skills to produce, store, manage or use, and to sell foods surplus to family needs."
"The goal is to empower women in Kenya for economic gain to be able to sell food surplus to fulfill daily needs, and to pay school fees to educate their children for a positive future."
"The women farmers will be active participants of the project by taking part in all aspects of the work," Campbell said.
Farmers Helping Farmers with many years of experience in Kenya farming will be supporting the project by providing their experienced trainers in Kenya.
The Rotary Clubs of Charlottetown Royalty, Summerside, Kentville, Wolfville-Mudcreek, Rotary District of 7820 (PEI, NS, NL, and St. Pierre & Miquelon) and Rotary International are all contributing to the $87,900 project.
You too can support the work of Farmers Helping Farmers in Kenya by attending the Annual Beef Barbecue at the Harrington Research Station this Saturday August 11th. For more details, please visit: